To dig a pond, you need a garden. Everyone agrees. Nevertheless balcony owners keep asking for ponds. We turned the desire into a challenge, together with our client, pond specialist Velda.
How we broke it
We designed foldable water containers, to make small ponds and water pots for aquatic plants. The colour pond was born. We could use our knowledge of synthetic fabrics, which we happened to have from other recent Velda projects. The water gives the containers both their shape and stability. Flat becomes 3D. And–probably its best feature–this pond fits into gift paper.

Why we did it
It was a big thing: ponds for people without a garden. An even bigger thing that followed: even garden owners, discovered these cute and colourful, small and easy-to-handle little ponds and decided to buy loads of them.
The WAACS story
WAACS focuses on consumer driven innovation and user experience design. We are part of the design movement where functionality is key and aesthetics has, at most, a function that serves the design. It’s the people who will use our products and their desires that are our inspiration. From that perspective, we act as an organic part of marketing departments, close to the market and alert to opportunities.