The most interesting insight into our work is— in addition to the products themselves— perhaps an insight into the way we work. The rationale and beliefs behind the projects. In this edition, we showcase our redesign of TomTom’s Nav 4 navigation devices, our collaboration with South America’s biggest appliance brand Haceb, a reconstruction in newspaper NRC on 25 years of Senseo and WAACS taking over the Instagram account of the Dutch Designer’s Association BNO.

TOMTOM car navigation
Based on Tomtom’s successful Nav 4 range, WAACS created a consistent brand-led design across the range from entry-level, two levels of mid-range, to premium devices. This project shows that it only takes 6 weeks and a limited budget to reimagine your project range without reinventing the complete product architecture. Read more…

Teaming up with South American top brand HACEB
Through market research and a shopping trip with Haceb’s design and marketing team, WAACS gained insights into the brand’s identity and the South American market. Armed with this knowledge, WAACS developed a range of refrigerator designs tailored to Haceb’s manufacturing process and better suited to the South American market than global platforms from Asia. Read more…

How Senseo revolutionized the world of coffee
For Dutch ‘newspaper of record’ NRC, reporter Jette Pellemans reconstructed the history of the Senseo coffee pod machine. While the coffee maker, originally designed by WAACS, has become synonymous with mainstream coffee, it caused a revolution in international coffee culture when it was introduced almost 25 years ago. Read more…

BNO instagram takeover
WAACS has been a member of the Dutch Designer’s Association BNO since the studio started in 1992. Every other week, the BNO Instagram account is taken over by one of its members. Last week it was WAACS turn. Read more…